Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Why is keeping my UK Number useful?

There are several reasons why you may choose to KeepYourUKMobile. All of your contacts have that number in their address books. It is also important to recognise that it will cost them a lot more to call you on a Spanish Number, than on a UK one. There is also the major issue of the institutions who either call you or send you SMS messages such as One-Time security messages. PLEASE NOTE that some institutions such as banks may not even let you use a non-uk number for such purposes, and may even not let you keep an account if they believe you are no longer in the UK full time.

Q. Once My Number has moved to you, will I still have to pay my UK Mobile provider?

No. As soon as we take over your number using your PAC Code, your UK service is no longer operational and your bills with them should stop. It’s important to note that the SIM will then no longer be operational, as all calls and SMS messages will be received (and made) through our APP.

Q. What happens to my UK Mobile Service when you take over my mobile number?

It’s important to note that the SIM will then no longer be operational, as all calls and SMS messages will be received (and made) through our APP.

Q. What is a PAC Code and why do I need one?

A PAC is an acronym for PORTING AUTHORISATION CODE. This is a simple mechanism to allow you to move seamlessly between mobile providers. All you do is text PAC to 65075 and within 60 seconds you will receive a text back with a code. You simply then type this into our order form and we do the rest.

Q. Can I use my App on iPhone, Android Devices and Tablets?

Yes - as long as your device is running a relatively recent operating system (iOS v12 or later, Android 6 or later), then yes you can use the APP. This can be on phone or Tablet.

Q. Do I pay to use the app?

Apart from the £7.99 a month there is no charge to receive as many Calls and SMSs as you like. You are also able to make calls (displaying your UK Mobile number) and reply to texts for a small charge. Outbound UK calls are free to an 01/02/03 number, 2p per minute to main UK mobiles and an SMS is 5p per message. This cost is covered by topping up in-APP.

Q. Can I reply to UK Texts?

Yes you can. Replying to UK texts costs just 5p and the person receiving them sees that they have come from your UK number. This can be VERY important for UK Banking etc.

Q. Do I need to keep my number or can I have a new one?

You are able to have it your way. We can either give you a brand new UK mobile number (07 number), or we can ‘PAC’ in your existing number. Either way, you will appear to be in the UK in any communications.

Q How long do I have to use your service for? Is there a long Contract?

Our service is not bound by a long term contract. We operate a minimum 3 month period and then just 30 days rolling notice after that. Unlike most UK Mobile phone providers, we want you to stay because you are happy and not because we have a long term 24 month hold on you.

Q. What phones/tablets will the app work on?

Apple or Android (Samsung, Google etc) devices are suitable. As long as your device is running a relatively recent operating system (iOS v12 or later, Android 6 or later), then you can use the APP. This can be on phone or Tablet.

Q. How do I get help with the APP if I need assistance in setting it up?

Our UK support team are available to assist. You can request assistance by clicking here or by using the CHAT facility on our website (working hours apply)

Q. When I sign up, how long does it take for my UK mobile to work on it?

If you choose a new UK mobile number, setup is instantaneous, with your number and APP being set up immediately. If you PAC your existing UK Number, then that process takes a little longer. It typically takes less than 24 hours for your number to move to use (until it does move to us, it will remain usable on your old SIM). Please note that there may be a couple of hours in the middle where you do not have service

Q. Can I bring my number from any UK network?

Yes. All UK networks MUST obey this PAC process if you are outside of minimum contract.

Q. Can I make calls out using my UK number, so that it appears I’m calling from that number, even if I’m not in the UK?

Yes - all calls from our APP will display your UK number, as will SMS messages. Outbound UK calls are free to to an 01/02/03 number, 2p per minute to main UK mobiles and an SMS is 5p per message. This cost is covered by topping up in-APP.

Q. Where can I use this service? What if I’m in the UK?

As long as you have an internet connection (WiFi or Mobile Data), your app can receive and send, Calls and SMS. Anywhere in the world, you’ll appear to on your UK number

Q. Will my mobile carrier let me move away or PAC?

As long as you are not within the minimum term of your contract, they will have to issue you with a PAC code on request. That is the Law.

Q. So what happens when I order - what’s next?

  • Step 1 - If you wish to Keep your Existing Number, you obtain your PAC Code (see above - “What is a PAC Code and why do I need one?”
  • Step 2 - You complete our simple order form and enter your PAC if you have one.
  • Step 3 - On completion of the form and payment you will receive an email containing a link to the app and a QR code to help you set it up. A QR Code looks like this:

  • Step 4 - Click on APP link and download onto your device
  • Step 5 - Open the APP. You will be given the option to Manually put login details in or to Scan a QR. Choose that option and then SCAN YOUR QR.
  • Step 6 - That’s it, you’re done
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